West Yorkshire Open 2025

Register here

*****Event Limited to 128 players *****

Registration - £25 Entry fee - £75 Masters       £35 Intermediates

The above fee's include entry in Main, Consolation and Last Chance events.

Side Pools (Masters) ** - Main event (£10, £20, £50) Consolation (£10, £20, £30) Last Chance (£5, £10, £20)

Side Pools (Inters)      ** - Main event (£10, £20, £30) Consolation (£5, £10, £20)  Last Chance (£5, £10, £20)

**All pools are optional. You can enter up to 2 adjacent pools. 75% to winner of pools, 25% to runner up.

********Other Events********

Friday afternoon warm up KO with £50 added - £5 entry (100% return)

Friday evening warm up KO with £50 added - £5 entry (100% return)

Doubles event (Saturday evening) - Reg £5 per team - Entry £50 per team (Masters) £20 per team (Inters)

Super Jackpot - £5 Reg - £100 entry - £100 Optional side pool

Speed gammon jackpots

Camden auction jackpots

All the above with 100% return unless stated otherwise

********** Payments **********

Registration fee payable before 31st December 2024

Entry fee payable before 31st January 2025

Payments may be made in cash to myself (Please get a receipt), bank transfer (details on request) or Paypal (may be subject to 5% fee)

If you need to withdraw from the tournament any payments will be fully refunded if paid before the deadlines and withdrawing before the deadlines. After the deadlines the registration fee is non-refundable unless there are extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the tournament directors. The entry fee is fully refundable up to 48 hours prior to the event.

Register here