2022 UK Open Backgammon Tournament


Dorothy Lee Memorial Tournament - 7 point KO format. Cash prizes (£600 added) and trophies for 1st and 2nd. Registration Fee £5 Entry fee £10

Friday night warm up - 3/5 point KO format. Cash prizes (£100 added) and trophies for 1st and 2nd. Entry fee £5

Swiss Event - 7 point, 5 round swiss format with ?tbc? players qualifying for the KO stage.

Main Event - 7/9/11 point KO format. Cash prizes for top 8 plus trophies for 1st and 2nd.

Boneclub Trophy - 7/9 point KO format. Cash prizes for top 4 plus trophies for 1st and 2nd.

Last Chance - 5/7 point KO format. Cash prizes and trophies for 1st and 2nd.

1pt shoot outs - £2/£5 events. Max entries 32. Players can enter only one event initially but can join the other once eliminated if there are still spots available.

Doubles Event - KO with cash prizes for 1st and 2nd plus trophies for the winning team. Max entries 16 teams. Entry fee £30 per team.

Super Jackpot - 11 point KO format with the winner collecting up to £2400. Max entries 16. Entry fee £150.

Jackpots - Subject to demand.


Friday 18th March:

  12pm - 8pm         Registration desk open
    2pm - 11pm       £??? added Dorothy Lee Memorial KO
    7pm - 11pm       £100 added Friday night warm up KO
    7pm - 11pm       Commencement of Super Jackpot

Saturday 19th March:
  9am - 10.15am   Registration desk open
  10.15am              Welcome speech/Groups auction
  10.45am              Swiss draw
  11am - 6pm        Main Swiss event
  6pm - 7.30pm     Dinner break
  7.30pm - ???       Doubles tournament/Jackpots
                                Continuation of Super Jackpot

Sunday 20th March:
  09.45am              Main KO & Boneclub Trophy start
  12.15pm              Last chance event begins
  6pm - 6.30pm     Prize giving

All other events will take place during above times


Our Sponsors

Voted Board Manufacturer of the year at the 2019 UKBGF awards.

Tournament Director - Steve Lee

Contact email - steve@westyorkshirebackgammon.co.uk